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영어회화 자료영어회화 영어공부 스터디그룹 자료 #7 | T-Mobile's New Robot Can Tattoo People Remotely Session 1 T-Mobile's New Robot Can Tattoo People Remotely T-Mobile's New Robot Can Tattoo People Remotely | Engoo 데일리뉴스 T-Mobile Netherlands has created a robot arm that can give people tattoos based on commands sent over its new 5G cellular network. engoo.co.kr Who's the most artistic person you know? What kind of art do they do? What kind of art would you like to be good at? Why? Is 5G likely .. 2021. 4. 3.
영어회화 자료영어회화 영어공부 스터디그룹 자료 #6 | Study: Birds May Make Us Happier than Money Session 1 Study: Birds May Make Us Happier than Money Study: Birds May Make Us Happier than Money | Engoo 데일리뉴스 New research suggests that having more birds around us may help us feel more satisfied with our lives than having more money. engoo.co.kr Would you ever consider keeping a bird as a pet? Why? Why not? If you could change one thing about your town or city to make it a more pleasant plac.. 2021. 3. 26.
영어회화 자료영어회화 영어공부 스터디그룹 자료 #5 | Netflix May Try to Stop Account Sharing Session 1 Netflix May Try to Stop Account Sharing Netflix May Try to Stop Account Sharing | Engoo 데일리뉴스 Netflix is testing a new feature that could be used to stop users sharing their account with people outside their household. engoo.co.kr Do you think streaming services will completely replace traditional TV in the near future? Why? Why not? How much time do you spend watching TV each day? Wha.. 2021. 3. 20.
닭가슴살, 놓치면 안 되는 단 한가지! 다이어터, 유지어터가 닭가슴살 구매 시, 놓치면 안 되는 단 한 가지는, 바로 영양성분 이다. 의외로 제품마다 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방 함량이 다 다르다. 안 그래도 다이어트를 위해, 치킨보다는 덜 맛있는 닭가슴살 먹는데, 지방이 많은 제품을 먹을 필요는 없다! 그래서 준비했다! 가장 인기 많은 닭가슴살을 선정하여, 각 제품의 영양성분을 정리하였다. ※ 2021년 1월 기준, 100g 기준, 단백질 함량이 높은 순 링크 1) https://coupa.ng/bPgKvZ 2) https://coupa.ng/bPgKGc 3) https://coupa.ng/bPgKTO 4) https://coupa.ng/bPgKQR 5) https://coupa.ng/bPgK0B 6) https://coupa.ng/bPgK9O.. 2021. 1. 9.