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영어회화 영어공부 스터디그룹 자료 #3 | Robot Dogs Join US Air Force Exercise

by 리뷰한잔v 2020. 11. 8.

Session 1 

Robot Dogs Join US Air Force Exercise


Robot Dogs Join US Air Force Exercise | Engoo Korea 데일리뉴스

최근 뉴스 기사에 기반한 영어 학습 콘텐츠. 매일 새로운 기사가 추가됩니다.


  1. What role do you think robots will play in warfare in the future?
  2. Have you had a chance to interact with a robot?
  3. Are robots or artificial intelligence used in your line of work?
  4. What do you prepare not to be replaced by a robot?

Session 2

E-Scooters Caused 30,000 US Emergency Room Visits in 2019


E-Scooters Caused 30,000 US Emergency Room Visits in 2019 | Engoo Korea 데일리뉴스

최근 뉴스 기사에 기반한 영어 학습 콘텐츠. 매일 새로운 기사가 추가됩니다.


  1. Are e-scooters popular where you live? If so, would you say they're used safely?
  2. Do you ever use e-scooters? If so, how often? If not, why not?
  3. What would you say is the most convenient way to get around your town or city? Why?
  4. What kind of vehicle do you have? or do you want to have?