Session 1
Half of World’s Beaches in Danger from Climate Change
Half of World’s Beaches in Danger from Climate Change | Engoo Korea 데일리뉴스
최근 뉴스 기사에 기반한 영어 학습 콘텐츠. 매일 새로운 기사가 추가됩니다.
- What parts of the world do you think will be most affected by climate change?
- What's the most beautiful beach you ever went to? Please describe it.
- What are your favorite beach activities? Please explain your answer.
- What would you do to prevent the climate change?
Session 2
72% of Young Australians Won't Eat Lab-Grown Meat
72% of Young Australians Won't Eat Lab-Grown Meat | Engoo Korea 데일리뉴스
최근 뉴스 기사에 기반한 영어 학습 콘텐츠. 매일 새로운 기사가 추가됩니다.
- How would you feel about eating meat produced in a lab?
- Does meat make up a large part of your diet?
- Have you ever eaten an insect? If so, how did it taste? If not, would you be willing to?
- Are there any foods or dishes that you view with disgust?
- Do you do anything to preserve the ecosystem?