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영어 스터디 그룹 자료 (#영어회화 #영어공부)

by 리뷰한잔v 2023. 2. 18.

Session 1

스몰톡 속에서 발견한 다양한 영어 표현들

1)동영상 강의 학습


2)주요문장 복습

1. 저는 그들이 별로 재미있다고 생각하지 않아요

2. 제가 한번 해볼 수도 있어요


1. I just don't find them very entertaining

2. I might give it a try


Session 2

Candles, Flowers? How Romance Changes as We Get Older

1) 스터디 전, 영어기사 미리 읽어오기



Candles, Flowers? How Romance Changes as We Get Older | Engoo 데일리뉴스

If you look up "romance" in the dictionary, don't expect the definition to include "flowers," "candles" or "Paris."


2) 주어진 질문으로 프리토킹

1. What's your idea of romance? How has it changed over time?

2. What would you say is the worst thing about dating?
3. What is the best relationship advice you've ever heard?

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?

5. What are some of your favorite romantic movies or books?

6. How do you keep the romance alive in a long-term relationship?