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영어회화 자료

영어 스터디 그룹 자료 (#영어회화 #영어공부)

by 리뷰한잔v 2022. 12. 10.


Session 1

into 를 활용해서 말을 조금 간편하게 하기 (실시간강의클립)

1)동영상 강의 학습

2)주요문장 복습

1. 우리는 이 수업이 한 시간밖에 안 됐어요, 우리는 이미 많은 것을 배웠어요.


1. We are only an hour into this class, we already learned a lot


Session 2

The Spicy History of Sriracha Sauce

1) 스터디 전, 영어기사 미리 읽어오기



The Spicy History of Sriracha Sauce | Engoo 데일리뉴스

It was the mid-20th century in Si Racha, Thailand when Thanom Chakkapak, using her father's recipe, started making a sauce that was sweet, spicy and salty.


2) 주어진 질문으로 프리토킹

  1. Do you like sriracha? Is it popular where you live?

  2. Are you a big fan of Thai food? What are your favorite dishes?

  3. What sauces are often used in your country's cooking?
  4. Are there any sauces from your country you'd recommend trying?
  5. What traditional foods from your country would you recommend?
  6. Are there a lot of foreign restaurants in your town or city?
How often do you cook food from other countries at home?

  8. What countries do you think have the best-tasting food?

  9. What's the best food you've had while traveling?