Session 1
영어 말하기 연습💡계획에 대해서 다양하게 말하기 연습
1)동영상 강의 학습
2)주요문장 복습
아래 핵심 문장을 사용하여, 자신의 여름 계획 얘기하기
- Be - ing : 계획이 확실함
- I'm thinking of - ing: ~ 할 생각이다
- be going to probably : 아마도 ~ 할 생각이다
- might : 그럴 수도 있고, 안 그럴 수도 있다
- I'm having some friends over this week.
- I'm thinking of having them stay over if they want to.
- We're probably just going to eat and drink and make silly jokes.
- We might go out for a quick drive because one of them got a new convertible.
Session 2
Tea Party on Mount Everest Sets World Record
1) 스터디 전, 영어기사 미리 읽어오기
Tea Party on Mount Everest Sets World Record | Engoo 데일리뉴스
A group of climbers has set a Guinness World Record for the highest tea party, held at 6,496 meters above sea level.
2) 주어진 질문으로 프리토킹
- What's the most physically challenging thing you've done recently
- What are your favorite outdoor activities? How often do you get a chance to do them
- Are most of your friends and family outdoorsy people
- What parts of your country would you recommend to tourists who love the outdoors
- What are the most beautiful natural areas you've been to?
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